
Well, here I am, the doggy version Zoella (albeit I’m very much a male dog!)

I’m Dylan, and it’s very nice to meet you – thanks for stopping by. I’m virtually jumping up to say hello as I adore new people, and I could even be accused of getting a little too excited when I meet them! I’m literally wagging my tail so fast I’m sure I could power the house!!! Anyway, I’ve got to learn to sit whilst meeting people so calm thoughts… pant…relax…pant…relax…

My pawrents keep saying that some of you humans are scared of us dogs, but I’m such a big softie! Okay – it’s a fair point… I’m huge! I’m about the size of a mini Shetland pony but I’m about as fierce as ‘My Little Pony’!! Anyway, I digress – back to introducing myself…

With the rest of the world stuck to their multimedia devices and as I’m always up for a challenge, I’ve decided to dip my paws into the world of social media. This blogging malarkey sounds amazing fun, so expect a woof-tastic read, a host of honest opinions and perspectives on all kinds of stuff but from the viewpoint of me – Dylan the dog! A little barking right?? But that’s me…

Who am I you ask? I’m a two-year old black Labrador with a bounding zest for life. I LOVE an adventure, whether it be tasting a new food, playing with a new toy or going somewhere new. I’m lucky, as my pawrents enjoy taking me to all kinds of dog friendly places (the one’s where we stay over are the best!). You can read all about my personal experiences and the joys, trials and tribulations of our wonderful if not sometimes a little manic life right here.

So it’s a huge waggy-welcome to my tails – happy browsing!

Doggy walks in Yorkshire
Doggy friendly places to eat and drink
Doggy health and training tips
Doggy places to stay